Paper ↑↓ Image Types ↑↓ Disease / Groups ↑↓ Features ↑↓ Dim. Reduction / Preprocessing ↑↓ Model / Loss ↑↓ Regularization ↑↓ Age Group ↑↓ # Scans ↑↓ ROI Type ↑↓ # ROI ↑↓ Validation ↑↓ Scheme ↑↓
Abraham et. al., 2016 fMRI Autism ROI signal correlations - Linear regression, SVM L1, L2 Children / Adults (6-64) 871 (ABIDE) Learned, ICA, Atlas, k-means, Ward Varying ACC=68 10 folds, Leave one site out
Alnæ s et. al., 2015 fMRI rest / low / high functional task loads ROI signal partial + full correlations from GLASSO - rLDA Covariance matrix shrinkage Adults (29+-10) 101 (37 per class) Learned (dual-regression) 46 ACC=100 / 70 / 70 LOSGO
Anderson et. al., 2011 fMRI Autism ROI signal correlations t-test Age-based per-class linear model fit test - Adolecents (8-42) 80 (40+, 40-) Voxel selection (Min. 5 mm radius) 7266 ACC=79, SN=83, SP=75 LOO
Anderson et. al., 2014 fMRI, Cortical Thickness ADHD Local network measures + cortical measurements + metadata NMF Decision tree - Adolescents ~(8-19) 730 (276+, 472-) Atlas 90 ACC=67, SN=76, SP=61 LOO
Arbabshirani et. al., 2013 fMRI Schizophrenia ROI signal correlations Remove features effected by medication, various kernels Many (KNN, decision trees, RBF neural network, kernel SVM: all tied) - Adults (25-50) 56 (28+, 28-) Learned (ICA) 9 ACC=96, SN=100, SP=92, PPV=92, NPV=100 LOO
Arslan et. al., 2015 fMRI Healthy Adults Locally connected cortical ROI signal correlations - Multi-graph spectral decomposition - Adults (22-35) 40 Learned 50, 100, 150, 200 DC=0.72 leave 20 (50%) out, 20 rounds
Ashikh et. al., 2015 fMRI NC / eMCI / MCI / AD, Temporal variance of ROI signal correlations t-test OPTICS - Seniors (ADNI) 123 (35, 34, 34, 29) Not specified 200 ACC=100 -
Ball et. al., 2016 fMRI Preterm / term, age ROI signal covariances Boruta feature selection SVM + RBF, Linear regression - Preterm (36-49 wks) 131 (105+,26-) Learned (ICA) 71 BAC=80, AUC=92, $r^2$=0.57, MSE=8.9 5 folds
Bassett et. al., 2012 fMRI Schizophrenia Largest connected component size curve over thresholds - SVM L2 Adults (30-52) 58 (29+, 29-) AAL 90 ACC=75, SN=85, SP=64 1000 rounds, leave 28 (14+, 14-) out
Brown and Kawahara et. al., 2016 dMRI Motor, Cognitive Function, Age Edge tract counts - BrainNetCNN L2 Preterm 168 Atlas 90 r=0.31, 0.19, 0.86, MAE=10.6, 10.5, 2.3 3 folds
Brown et. al., 2015 dMRI Low Motor Function Network Measures PCA (After net. measures) SVM L2 Preterm 168 (22+, 146-) Atlas 90 ACC=72, SN=77, SP=69 1000 rounds, LOSGO
Brown et. al., 2016 dMRI Low Motor, Cognitive Function Edge tract counts - Non-negative linear regression L1, backbone prior, connectivity prior Preterm 168 (29+, 139-), 168 (13+, 155-) Atlas 90 ACC=71, 60, AOC=14.3, 17.4, r=0.44, 0.34 1000 rounds, LOSGO
Caeyenberghs et. al., 2013 dMRI + fMRI TBI structural and functional nodal degrees - Discriminant function analysis - Adults (25+/-6) 33 (17+, 16-) Motor Regions 22 ACC=61, SN=43, SP=77 Not stated
Chen et. al., 2011 fMRI AD ROI signal correlations Wilcoxon rank-sum test LDA - Seniors (69-82) 55 (20NC, 15MCI, 20AD) AAL 116 AUC=0.87, SN=85, SP=80 LOO
Chen et. al., 2015 dMRI + fMRI TBI Edge FA, ROI signal correlations - Multi-view Clustering - Not specified 40 (16+, 24-) DICCCOL 358 - -
Chen et. al., 2014 dMRI Healthy Adults Edge tract counts (binary) - Training group-wise consistent connections - Not specified 120 DICCCOL, learned 358, 272 - -
Cheng et. al., 2012 fMRI ADHD ROI signal partial + full correlations t-test SVM L2 Adolescents ~(8-19) 730 (276+, 472-) Atlas 90 ACC=76, SN=63, SP=85 LOO
Chung et. al., 2016 dMRI Low Motor Function Heat flow features Flow averaged between 6 partitions Gaussian naive Bayes - Infants (24 months) 290 (55+, 235-) AAL 116 ACC=82, SN=75, SP=83, FS=79 10 folds, 5 reps
Cradock et. al., 2009 fMRI MDD ROI signal correlations + r-to-z Reliability filter SVM L2 Adults (22-54) 40 (20+, 20-) AFNI + Relevance to MDD 15 ACC=95, SN=92, SP=96, AUC=96 LOO
Cuingnet et. al., 2011 dMRI Stroke Nodal features - SVM Exp. of Laplacian (over nodes) Adults (24 - 81) 72 Per-voxel 96 x 64 x 24 ACC=76 Not stated
Dodero et. al., 2015 fMRI, dMRI, fMRI ASD, ASD, Schizophrenia Graph Laplacians - Kernel SVM L2 Adolescents, Adults (9-18, 9-18, 33+/-9) 79 (42+, 37-), 94 (51+, 43-), 27 (12+, 15-) Atlas 264, 264, 74 ACC=61, 74, 68 LOO
Dosenbach et. al., 2011 fMRI Age groups ROI signal correlations t-test SVM L2 Children / Adults (7-30) 122 (61+, 61-) Learned 210 ACC=91, SN=90, SP=92 LOO
Fei et. al., 2014 fMRI MCI gSpan frequent subnetworks from different thresholds DSM + WL kernel Graph-kernel-based - Seniors (74 +/- 8) 37 (12+, 12-) AAL 116 ACC=97, AUC=96 LOO
Finn et. al., 2015 fMRI Healthy Adults ROI signal correlations None, various anatomical subnetworks Max correlation between feature vectors - Adults 504 (126 restA, 126 restB, 126 taskA, 126 taskB) Atlas 268 ACC=99 -
Galvis et. al., 2016 dMRI Parkinson's Disease ROI signal correlations (no EPI correct, 3DMI, PDEC) ICC + t-test SVM L2 Seniors (51-71) 189 (131+, 58-) FreeSurfer 68 BAC=60 10 folds, 10 reps
Gao et. al., 2015 dMRI NC / SMC / MCI / AD Edge tract counts normalized by ROI volumes - Multi-graph normalized-cut Graph Laplacian (over edges) Seniors (ADNI) 154 (30 NC, 34 SMC, 62 MCI, 28 AD) FreeSurfer 129 - -
Gellerup et. al., 2016 fMRI Parkinson's Disease ROI signal correlations + network measures across 5 frequency bands mRMR Proximal SVM ensemble L2 Seniors (60+/-10) 45 (24+, 21-) Atlas 264 ACC=84, SN=73, SP=93 5 folds
Ghanbari et. al., 2014 dMRI ASD, Age Edge probability Built-into NMF NMF + graph embeddings - Adolescents (8-18) 83 (24+, 59-) Atlas (Desikan) 79 - -
Guo et. al., 2012 fMRI MDD Nodal degree, efficiency, betweeness centrality from partial correlation at multiple thresholds - Many (SVM, RBF-SVM, LDA, random forest, logistic regression) L2 Adults (17 - 54) 76 (38+,28-) AAL 90 ACC=79 100 rounds, leave 30% out
Iidaka, 2015 fMRI ASD ROI signal correlations Min. correlation threshold Probabilistic Neural Networks - Children (6-19) 640 (312+, 328-) AAL 90 ACC=90, SN=92, SP=88, PPV=88, NPV=92, cPPV=8, cNPV=100 2, 10 and 50 folds, Leave one out
Jie et. al., 2014 fMRI MCI Local CC from multiple thresholds t-test, RFE Multi-kernel SVM L2 Seniors (74+/-8) 37 (12+, 25-) AAL 90 ACC=92, BAC=94, SN=100, SP=88, AUC=94 LOO
Jie et. al., 2013 fMRI MCI Local CC from thresholded ROI signal correlations t-test + RFE + Linear and WL Kernel Multi-kernel SVM L2 Seniors (65-83) 37 (12+, 25-) AAL 116 ACC=92 LOO
Jie et. al., 2014 fMRI MCI CC on Hypergraph M2TFS + linear kernel Multi-kernel SVM L2 Seniors (65-83) 37 (12+, 25-) AAL 116 ACC=95, SN=92, SP=96, AUC=96 LOO
Jin et. al., 2016 dMRI ASD Edge FA, MD and TC, Multiple Scales t-test, LASSO logistic regression Multi-kernel SVM L2 Infants 80 (40+, 40-) Atlas 90, 203, 403 ACC=76, SN=72, SP=79, AUC=0.8 5 folds, 10 reps
Kamiya et. al., 2016 dMRI TLE Local network measures (4x83=332) Dantzig selector + RBF Kernel Kernel SVM L2 Adults (21-45) 58 (44+, 14-) FreeSurfer 83 ACC=90, AUC=97 LOO
Kaufmann et. al., 2016 fMRI Sleep Deprevation ROI signal partial correlations from GLASSO - rLDA Covariance matrix shrinkage Adults (20-24) 60 (41+, 19-) Learned (MELODIC ICA) 27 ACC=73 / 54 / 85 LOO
Khazaee et. al., 2015 fMRI AD Local + global network measures (454) Fischer score SVM L2 Seniors (ADNI) 40 (20+, 20-) AAL 90 ACC=100 LOO
Khazaee et. al., 2015 fMRI NC / MCI / AD Local + global network (2909) on global cost efficiency max. network Fischer score + FSFS SVM L2 Seniors (ADNI ~ 64-83) 168 (41NC, 89MCI, 34AD) Atlas 264 ACC=88, per-class SN, SP, PPV Cross-validation with holdout
Li et. al., 2012 dMRI ASD Edge connectivity RFE SVM Graph Laplacian (over edges) Children (7-14) 20 (10+, 10-) Atlas 68 ACC=100 LOO
Li et. al., 2014 fMRI + dMRI for landmarks PTSD Temporal sliding window nodal degree Manual selection of quasi-static states K-means + FDDL, finite state machines - Adults 95 (45+, 51-) DICCCOL 358 Avg. diff. of subnet histograms 10 folds
Liem et. al., 2016 fMRI Age ROI signal correlations - SVR L2 Adult (19-82) 2354 Atlas (BASC) 197, 444 MAE=4.29, R2=0.87 5 folds
Mitra et. al., 2016 dMRI TBI Edge FA NBS Edge t-test + PCA Random Forest - Adults 215 AAL 116 ACC=68, SN=80, SP=46, PPV=68, NPV=69 10 folds
Mokhtari et. al., 2012 fMRI Rest/Attention ROI signal correlations Recursive feature ranking + WL Kernel Kernel SVM L2 Adults (20-30) 38 (19+, 19-) Atlas 24 ACC=100 LOO
Moyer et. al., 2015 dMRI AD, Bipolar Disorder Edge tract counts - MMSB + (naive Bayes, SVM) - ADNI-2, ? 96 (46+, 50-), 92 FreeSurfer 68 ACC=82, 61, REC=80, 53, PRS=82, 69 10 folds
Munsell et. al., 2015 dMRI TLE, surgical outcome Edge tract counts ElasticNet + linear kernel, or SCCA or deep model SVM L2 Adults (18 - 70) 118 (70+, 48-) Atlas (Lusanne) 82 ACC=80, SN=74, SP=84, PPV=90, NPV=70 10 folds
Munsell et. al., 2016 dMRI + fMRI Autism Nodal betweeness of ROI signal correlations + Edge tract counts Clusters connecting modalities on bipartite graph between fMRI and dMRI nodes SVM L2 Adolescents (13-18) 70 (35+, 35-) Atlas 264 ACC=88, SN=89, SP=86, PPV=87, NPV=89 10 folds
Ng et. al., 2014 fMRI Before/After Memory Task Covariance matrices Matrix whitening transport SVM L2 Not specified 102 (51+, 51-) Atlas 78 ACC=98 10000 rounds, leave 34 out
Ng et. al., 2012 dMRI + fMRI Viewing a face vs rest Per - voxel time series. - SLR L1 + Graph Laplacian Not specified 36 (18+, 18-) Ward clustering 500 ACC=86 9 folds
Pariyadath et. al., 2014 fMRI Smoking Status Correlations within and between subnetwork regions RFE AdaBoost + SVM L2 Adults (28-50) 42 (21+, 21-) ICA + Clustering 56 ACC=79, PPV=83 LOO
Park et. al., 2015 dMRI, fMRI BMI Edge fiber density + fMRI mean nodal degrees t-test + permutation testing, region prior, functional-structural correlation PLSR - Adults (~29) 120 (60+, 60-) AAL 116 MAE=15%, RMS=5.3 LOO
Prasad et. al., 2014 dMRI AD Normalized tract counts Region grouping, PCA Simulated annealing + SVM - Adults (ADNI-2) 87 (37+, 50-) Freesurfer 68 ACC=85, SN=88, SP=81 LOO
Prasad et. al., 2015 dMRI NC / eMCI / MCI / AD, Normalized edge TC, max flow between ROIs, network measures - SVM L2 Seniors (64-85) 200 (50, 74, 38, 38) Freesurfer 68 ACC=78, SN=84, SP=69 10 folds
Pruett et. al., 2015 fMRI Age (6 v.12m) and clincal risk (low, high) ROI signal correlations t-test + linear kernel SVM L2 Infants (6-12 months) 128 (32 per group) Atlas 230 ACC=81, 75, SN=78, 81, SP=84, 69 LOO
Qiu et. al., 2015 fMRI Age ROI signal partial correlations from GLASSO LLE-SPD Linear regression L2 Adults (22-79) 178 Atlas 80 r=0.59, RMS=12.9 LOO
Richiardi et. al., 2011 fMRI Resting vs watching movie Multi-band time series t-test + FDR Polythetic trees Tree pruning + ensembles Adults (18-36) 15 Altas 90 ACC=97 LOO
Richiardi et. al., 2012 fMRI MS ROI signal correlations - Ensemble of functional trees - Adults (29-45) 36 (22+, 14-) AAL 90 ACC=83, SN=82, SP=86 LOO
Robinson et. al., 2010 dMRI Age (young adults / seniors) Edge FA PCA MLDA - Adults (20-30, 59-90) 96 Atlas 83 ACC=87, SN=90, SP=88, Bayes err.=0.87 10 folds
Rosa et. al., 2013 fMRI MDD ROI signal sparse inverse covariance - SVM L1 Adults (29-58) 38 (19+, 19-) Atlas 137 ACC=82, SN=74, SP=89 LOSGO
Rosa et. al., 2015 fMRI MDD, Depression Spectrum ROI signal sparse inverse covariance - SVM L1 Adults (29-58), (27-49) 38 (19+, 19-), 60 (30+, 30-) Atlas 137 ACC=85, SN=83, SP=87, sparsity=0.6%, stability=57 LOSGO
Sacchet et. al., 2015 dMRI MDD Global Network Measures (9) - SVM L2 Adults (18-55) 32 (14+, 18-) Atlas 68 ACC=72, SN=71, SP=72 LOO
Shahnazian et. al., 2012 fMRI Rest / Attention Bi-variate Granger causality network Random walk kernel (tried other kernels) Kernel SVM L2 Adults (20-30) 38 (19+, 19-) Atlas 24 ACC=100 LOO
Shen et. al., 2010 fMRI Schizophrenia ROI signal correlations KTRCC + LLE C-Means - Adults (19-30) 52 (32+, 20-) AAL 116 ACC=92, AUC=96 LOO
Smyser et. al., 2016 fMRI Age ROI signal correlations + r-to-z t-test + linear kernel SVM L2 Preterm Infants (36 - 41 weeks) 100 (50+, 50-) Spheres in Talairach atlas space 214 ACC=84, SN=90, SP=78 LOO
Sweet et. al., 2013 fMRI, EEG Epileptic Regions ROI signal correlations - Baysean model for abnormal regions given edges - Not specified 44 (6+, 38-) Surface subdivision (50-100mm patches) 1153 - -
Takerkart et. al., 2012 fMRI Differing Auditory Stimuli ROI time series, ROI barycenters Functional, geometrical, structural kernels Kernel SVM L2 Not specified 45 (9 per class) Clustering (Ward's) 5-30 ACC=45 LOO
Tunc et. al., 2016 dMRI Sex Mean anatomical subnetwork inter-connectivity, cognitive + motor scores - SVM L2 Adolescents (15+/-3.5) 900 Atlas (Desikan) 95 ACC=79, 64 10 folds
Vanderweyen et. al., 2015 fMRI TBI and AD ROI signal partial correlations LASSO SVM L2 Seniors (~70) 69 (40NC, 15AD, 14TBI) Atlas 264 ACC=82, SN=40, SP=98, PPV=86, NPV=81 LOO
Varoquaux et. al., 2010 fMRI Stroke ROI signal correlations - Gaussian model over manifold of (control) covariance matrices - Not specified 30 (10+, 20-) Seeded Regions 33 Class log likelihood LOO
Vegas-Pons et. al., 2014 fMRI Differing Auditory Stimuli Thresholded ROI signal correlations WL kernel Kernel SVM - Not specified 38 Clustering ? ACC=74 LOO
Wang et. al., 2014 fMRI MCI Local CC from thresholded ROI signal correlations t-test + RFE + gSpan + Linear, WL Kernels Multi-kernel SVM L2 Seniors (65-83) 37 (12+, 25-) AAL 116 ACC=97, AUC=92 LOO
Watanabe et. al., 2016 dMRI TBI Edge probability 1000 features with top rank-sum correlations with clinical scores NMF Class discriminative subnetworks Adults 111 (79+, 32-) Atlas (Desikan) 86 ACC=82, SN=82, SP=81, BAC=82 LOSGO
Wee et. al., 2016 fMRI ASD ROI signal correlations from temporal clusters LASSO + various kernels Kernel SVM L2 Children, Young Adults (4 - 22) 92 (45+, 47-) AAL 116 ACC=71, SN=80, SP=61, PPV=79, NPV=65 10 folds
Wee et. al., 2010 dMRI MCI Local CC (for 6 connectome types) Ranked correlation + RFE SVM L2 Seniors (74+/-8.6) 27 (10+,17-) AAL 90 ACC=89, AUC=93 LOO
Wee et. al., 2013 fMRI MCI Temporal sliding window region activations Fused multiple graphical LASSO + t-test SVM L2 ADNI-2 (68-80) 59 (29+, 30-) AAL 116 ACC=90, BAC=79, SN=76, SP=83, AUC=79 LOO
Wee et. al., 2013 fMRI AD, MCI Granger causality networks t-test on MAR model order distribution + RFE SVM L2 Seniors (65-83) 37 (12+, 25-) AAL 116 ACC=92, AUC=90 LOO
Wee et. al., 2012 dMRI + fMRI MCI Structural and functional nodal CC t-test, Linear + Polynomial + RBF kernels Multi-kernel SVM L2 Seniors (64-83) 27 (10+, 17-) AAL 90 ACC=96, SN=100, SP=94, AUC=95, YDI=94, BAC=95, FS=97 LOO
Yang et. al., 2016 fMRI MCI CC on fused randomly thresholded networks LASSO SVM L2 Seniors (68-80) 59 (29+, 30-) AAL 116 ACC=83, SN=86, SP=80, AUC=81 LOO
Yoldemir et. al., 2015 dMRI + fMRI 7 Functional Tasks fMRI time series, weighted nodal degree - CSORD + SVM Non-negative weights, fixed weight magnitude Adults 40 Clustering 200 ACC=79, ICC=0.43, DC=0.63 100 rounds, leave 5 (12.5%) out
Yoldemir et. al., 2013 fMRI Healthy Adults fMRI time series - SORD Non-negative weights, fixed weight magnitude Adults 40 Clustering 200 ICC of net. measures, OmI=0.72 Test-retest
Zhan et. al., 2015 dMRI + MRI NC / MCI / AD Edge tract counts High order SVD SLR L1 ADNI-2 202 Atlas 113 ACC=71, SN=68, SP=72, AUC=76 20 rounds, leave 15% out
Zhu et. al., 2014 fMRI, dMRI for landmarks MCI, Schizophrenia ROI signal correlations Edge t-test + CFS SVM L2 Adults 28 (10+,18-), 20 (10+,10-) DICCCOL 358 ACC=96, 100 LOO
Zhu et. al., 2014 fMRI + dMRI for landmarks MCI ROI signal correlations CFS SVM L2 Seniors (55-84), (66-84) 28 (10+, 18-), 24 (10+, 10-) DICCCOL 358 ACC=100, 96 LOO
Ziv et. al., 2013 dMRI Neonatal Encephalopathy Counts of binary subgraphs RFE, PCA SVM L2 Neonates 24 Clustering (Recursive partitioning) 100 ACC=79 Cross-validation